Home Features Great Contribution to Society: European Lottery Members Donated €22 Billion in 2022

Great Contribution to Society: European Lottery Members Donated €22 Billion in 2022

In 2022, European Lottery (EL) players contributed more than €22 billion to society, recording annual growth of just over 11%. Described as the most significant, this figure stands out in EL’s 17th consecutive report on the lottery sector in Europe. The data presented in the report was collected from 68 EL members through 2022.

The organization’s latest report noted that of the total amount of 22 billion euros, 73% was allocated to state budgets. 12% is allocated to social and community purposes, almost 9% to support sports, 4% to culture and heritage, almost 2% to health, and just 0.4% to education. Sports betting grew by more than 7% compared to the previous year, marking a significant increase in interest in this area

“It now became the second fastest growing game category within the EL Members base,”— the report said, and online operations continued to grow, with a percentage increase of more than 9%, reflecting a steady trend in the development of the online segment.

EL added that the total gross revenue from games in all categories exceeded 38 billion euros, an increase of approximately 6% compared to 2021. It noted that “more than half of this revenue (53%) came from the results of drawing games (DBG) conducted by EL members in national markets, with DBG growth of approximately 3% compared to the previous year.”

Instant gaming saw a 2% year-over-year gain, making it the slowest growing category in 2022. EL highlighted that more than half of its members face various advertising restrictions, which can affect any category of games, regardless of their format.

Finally, EL members reported that the lottery sector employs more than 51,000 employees, an increase of 5% from 2021, and a 50% male to female ratio in 2022.

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