Home News Gambling EU Gambling Regulators Commit to Player Protection

EU Gambling Regulators Commit to Player Protection

Regulators from Austria, France, Germany, Portugal, Spain, and the UK convened in Vienna on June 11-12 to address player protection measures.

After the meeting, they issued a joint statement on regulating scratch cards and the European Court of Justice’s jurisprudence. They emphasized that while the EU guarantees freedom and provision of services, Member States may impose restrictions to regulate gambling and protect interests through national laws.

The regulators expressed concern over increasing challenges to these principles, particularly through preliminary ruling procedures, and affirmed their willingness to cooperate to ensure the Court’s case law protecting players is upheld.

Regarding scratch cards, which are popular in some regions and often used by parents and minors, the regulators committed to working together to enforce regulations effectively. They aim to protect players, especially minors, from being introduced to gambling through these offerings due to associated risks.

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