Home News Betting Malaysian and Singaporean Police Team Up to Dismantle Illegal Bookmaker

Malaysian and Singaporean Police Team Up to Dismantle Illegal Bookmaker

A joint operation between Malaysian and Singaporean police resulted in the arrest of 43 individuals, the seizure of seven properties valued at S$10.7 million (US$7 million), and the confiscation of cash and luxury goods worth approximately S$4 million (US$2.9 million). Other items seized included computers, mobile phones, and gambling paraphernalia.

The Singapore Police Force (SPF) and the Royal Malaysian Police (RMP) collaborated to target a transnational illegal bookmaker. The 43 individuals, aged between 34 and 82, were apprehended for their involvement in a criminal organization engaged in illegal online betting.

The coordinated operation took place from 30 June to 1 July 2024, involving officers from the Criminal Investigation Department, Police Intelligence Department, Special Operations Command, and Land Force.

Nine of the arrested individuals will be charged with offenses under the Gambling Control Act 2022, while investigations continue against the remaining suspects.

Previously, Singapore reduced the deposit threshold for due diligence checks from S$5,000 to S$4,000 to combat money laundering and terrorist financing, following a study that identified the casino sector’s vulnerability to such crimes.

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