KSA Strengthens Gambling Advertising Regulation Measures

The Gambling Authority of the Netherlands (KSA) is tightening its enforcement of advertising standards following a series of violations by gambling operators. Seven warnings were issued to companies that failed to comply with regulations aimed at protecting young people, who are considered particularly vulnerable to gambling addiction.

The primary focus of KSA is to prevent advertising targeted at young people, particularly in environments with a high risk of exposure. Among the violations, two cases stood out in which partner organizations of operators breached advertising standards.

One violation involved sponsoring a motorsport event, where the gambling provider’s logo was displayed on a pace car, which was later seen on public roads outside the event. This type of advertising, which lacks a specific target audience, is strictly prohibited. In response to the warning from KSA, the operator agreed to limit the display of the logo to the race track and event locations only.

The second violation occurred in a gym, where an advertisement for arcade games was shown on digital screens. Since the gym is specifically targeted at young people, KSA determined that this advertisement violated regulations designed to protect vulnerable groups.

Another warning concerned the use of role models in advertising, which is prohibited under current regulations. An online gambling operator used an actor and cartoon characters on its website in an attempt to appeal to a younger audience. This effort to attract minors and young adults violated the KSA’s ban on advertising targeted at this demographic.

The KSA also issued additional warnings to gambling operators for using indirect references to famous personalities, such as Formula 1 driver Max Verstappen, to promote sports betting. Although Verstappen’s image was not directly used, the KSA determined that subtle references and visual elements associated with the driver still breached the rule prohibiting the use of role models in gambling advertisements.

The KSA emphasized that operators are fully responsible for their advertising activities, even if campaigns are conducted in partnership with external organizations. Operators must ensure their advertising materials comply with regulatory requirements or face stricter penalties.

With advertising rules remaining a key focus for the KSA in 2025, the regulatory authority plans to issue further guidance and warnings in the coming year to tighten control and limit practices that encourage gambling among younger audiences.

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