Over 150,000 People in Kazakhstan Have Chosen to Opt Out of Gambling

According to the latest data from the Ministry of Sport of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as of August 22, 149,973 Kazakhs have submitted electronic requests to restrict their access to casinos and betting establishments. Moreover, 3,213 people have submitted similar requests in writing.

The service for voluntarily implementing self-restrictions on gambling and betting has been available in Kazakhstan since March and can be accessed through the eGov Mobile app. The restriction can last from six months to a year and prohibits access to legal betting establishments and casinos for those who set a “block on gambling.”

The former Minister of Digital Development, Innovations, and Aerospace Industry, Bagdat Mussin, emphasized early on that this service was launched to combat gambling addiction, “understanding the pain of people and the scale of the problem.”

In reality, the number of people in Kazakhstan for whom gambling is prohibited is around three and a half million. This mainly includes military personnel and officials who are banned from visiting casinos and placing bets under the new law.

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