Schools in the Netherlands to Teach Gambling Risks

The government of the Netherlands has approved an €8m education program to teach “money matters, debt, and understanding risks” across Dutch schools.

The program is spearheaded by Minister Carola Schouten, who oversees Dutch policies for poverty prevention, social participation, and civic pensions. She outlined that the program has been designed to improve financial literacy in schools to protect Dutch youth from incurring debt and ensure that money management is taught at a critical learning age.

As part of the program’s curriculum, teachers will receive training, enabling them to educate students about critical financial matters they will face when they become financially independent.

Schouten highlighted that the program would “emphasize understanding the risks of online gambling and cryptocurrency investments”.

According to Nibud research, over a quarter of vocational students owed money or faced payment arrears. This initiative seeks to alleviate this situation.

Following its initial test phase, Schouten will aim to expand the program across all Dutch primary and secondary schools from 2024 onwards.

“This program not only seeks to equip young people with important financial skills but also to create a support network within the school and community for those facing financial difficulties,” Schouten detailed to Dutch media.

Concerns about gambling exposure to underage children led the Dutch government to ban “untargeted gambling advertising” from 1 July. Gambling advertising will only be allowed if it is pre-approved and reaches at least 95% of consumers aged 24 or older.

It is clear from these combined efforts that the Dutch government is firmly committed to tackling financial illiteracy and the risks associated with online gambling while promoting safe and informed financial behavior among its younger population.

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