Online poker has grown exponentially in recent years and the market has seen to become even larger and more competitive. In December, PokerMatch, a popular online gaming platform in Eastern Europe, partnered with Playtech, the world’s largest online gaming software provider, to introduce an exclusive PokerMatch India offering!
Ruslan Bangert, CEO of PokerMatch International, commented on the launch: «We at PokerMatch are very excited and thrilled today. Partnering with an industry giant like Playtech is an event that will be remembered for a lifetime and will definitely be one of our major achievements.
Our company is only six years old, and we are happy to have been able to build our processes in such a short time and in such a way that large international corporations seriously consider cooperating with us. The credit goes to the whole team. I wish success to our new alliance and thank our colleagues at Playtech for easy, fast, and professional communication!»
With over 6 years of experience, PokerMatch is one of the leaders in the online gaming market in Eastern Europe and one of the top 10 online poker rooms in the world. Through innovation, the platform has been actively expanding its user base. It is now part of the popular iPoker network, which offers a wide variety of poker options as well as other table games and slots.
Bangert added: «PokerMatch has received many awards in relevant categories and has been repeatedly shortlisted for the most prestigious international competitions, including SBC, IGB Affiliate, and Sigma Europe Gaming Awards. Thus, we annually confirm the title of the best room in Eastern Europe.»
Ruslan Bangert has been in the poker industry for a long time. Starting as a poker forum moderator, he soon began writing reports and later became the site’s affiliate manager. He was also the first affiliate to join Pokerdom (one of the largest poker networks in Russia) in 2014. In May 2015, Bangert joined Pokerdom as a PR director, and two years later he joined PokerMatch. In March 2017 he became COO of PokerMatch and was promoted to CEO in January 2018. Ruslan later became a brand partner.
For its debut in India, PokerMatch India has given away a range of gifts. This includes exciting signup bonuses, a loyalty program that offers up to 100% cashback, other promotions and MTTs with great guarantees.
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